Saturday 28 September 2013

Because Family Is Like Stars

HI guysss, waddup? I havent wrote here for like.. forever? But who miss me? Anyway, so many things happen in my life lately.. I just feel, like everything's change. My friend, my school, my teacher. They're all 'bureng' (like really exited on preparing exams) that drive me crazy. I mean, can you imagine going to school at 6 and go home at 6 almost every day? Plus with all of your friends that seems brighter than you and you feel like a total idiot? This life just drives me crazy! 

And to be truth, I was feeling so goddamn insecure.. like can I really reach my dreams? Am I really that capable to live my life? Can I make my parents proud of me? I was so afraid.. but then somehow Mom can give some uplifting words that no one can ever give to me. She cuddle me and said that everything's gonna be alright..And s my sisters and brothers, they gave me some lessons.. As usual, my dad kept silent.. but when it came to his birthday, once, I said Happy Birthday (and so) then he said "All I wanna see is that you become a success woman, and that would make me proud so that I can live longer" that's so.... You know the feeling? Like it's a challenge.. but it's the hardest challenge..

And that's what family does.. Support you, give you lessons.. sometimes, the keep silent but deep down, they think about you and always you, they always support and pray for you. Never leave you, even just for a second. Because family is like starts, they're always there, whenever you see them or not, whenever you realize they exist or not, they'll always watching on you.. always be there for you and pray for you.

Sunday 15 September 2013

When You Stare At The Stars..

I just realize how beautiful the stars are. I dont know I just feel so idiot that I didnt realize it earlier. I dont know what had happened to me which makes me feel so numb, I didnt feel that blessed for everything I already had. I was so emotional, I blamed everyone and everything, I cried lots, then I feel like the biggest sinner on the planet. 

I dont know what brings me go upstair, go on the roof of my house, and simply stare at the stars. It's so beautiful and special, I swear. No, it's not like those stars you see on galaxy stars designs.. it has deeper meaning, it has something that makes you realize how beautiful our earth is, that makes you feel so blessed, something pure that makes you feel loved by Allah. It's just so pure and beautiful and amazing. 

Then suddenly, all I wanna do is lying on the ground and staring at the beautiful stars all night. I just wanna feel the joy of staring the stars. Because when I see the stars, I can see my childhood, I can re-feel the joy when I can laugh freely as I have no burden at all and I can do everything I want to do. I can see and imagine things I've never think or imagine before, the nature, the journey. Because when I see the stars, I feel Allah with me, I feel his arms around me, embraces and warms my heart. 

I was so enchanted, staring the stars is so uplifting.